Projektfilms visit is shown below:
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Lampdiver has created this video after visiting the Fu Shan Hai together with Håkan Hagström & Richard Sundstedt:
Lars Philipsen has uploaded this nice video, from one of his dives:
The “Admiral Danish Fleet” SOK (Søværnets Operative Kommando) is informed about an oil slick near the Fu Shan Hai wreck site, early on the 13th of may 2010.
The observation was done by the crew onboard a fishing boat.
The Admiral Danish Fleet sent the vessel Nymfen, to examine the oil. They reported that it was diesel fuel, and that it would evaporate before reaching the coast.
Af <a href=”//” title=”User:Jakubhal”>Jakub Hałun</a> – <span class=”int-own-work” lang=”da”>Eget arbejde</span>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
SOK and a civilian diving company examined the Fu Shan Hai on the 15th of may 2010, without finding a source to the oil.
TrimixCCRDiver has uploaded the following two part video:
Mirek Jablonski has uploaded two videos from a dive on the Fu Shan Hai.
Youtube user “Andpu” has visited Fu Shan Hai, and made this video from the dive:
“Macethekino” has visited the Fu Shan Hai, and uploaded this video to Youtube:
“Mixgasdiver” has added this great video to youtube today, I hope that others will follow his example and share there videos with the rest of us :o)
Lars and Jans goal of lifting the diving ban has been achieved.
November 1’st 2007. they transferred the domain name to Peter, who will turn it into the information page you see here today.